let it snow

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

On a roll

Been really busy these last few days, stamping away with my Housemouse stamps -

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

New House Mouse cards

So sorry for the delay in posting, been a busy year with my son getting married and a trip to Skiathos, which was just wonderful. Have made a few H.M. cards this year - hope you like them.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

This Birthday card i finished today was a pattern from the latest Parchment craft magazine, it uses 3 different size star tools and is worked on the bold grid.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Goodeveing all

Well apart from going round in square circles this week booking our trip to Skiathos for my sons wedding in June - I have been in need of rest and relaxation and what better way than to lock myself away and create some Housemouse cards, enjoy., and now google wont upload, I will try later

Saturday, 9 January 2010

My Cheetah

And the jewellery

I loved making this card, reminded me of home - I also made quite a few African bracelets and sent them to my rellies in Africa.
A quick-ish wedding card for a swap I was in.

This was a card that I made for my nephew and partner on the birth of their little girl Paige, she was born 2 days before Christmas, the colour was definately not as vivid as the scanner has made it out to be, this card too me a week to complete! hours of work - just as well they are family

Horrid weather

Well not a lot happening on my side of the world, far tooo cold and wet to go far so I have been busy in my craft room again and wanted to share my latest work with you all